Monday, February 2, 2009

The simple women’s daybook:



For Today January 26, 2009

Outside my window.... Bit chilly but nice

I am thinking....  Wow my baby turns 4 in two weeks, and one day!

From my imagination....  Not much these days.

I am thankful for....  my mom, she is a great strength to me, even when we are not close!

From the kitchen.... a cake its my MIL’s birthday tomorrow.

I am wearing..... Jeans, t-shirt, and bare feet!

I am reading.... I just got a new book from the book store called……   Love walked in by Marisa De Los Santos

I am hoping..... Hunter enjoys baseball again this year, as it will be taking a lot of time, and nights out. I love watching him play though!

I am creating... a new cookbook

I am hearing....  people move about, the girls chatter, and dishes being put away.

One of my favorite things.... hugs from my babies, they are so precious and heart warming.

A few plans for the rest of the week..... Cub scouts, Library, crafts, games, walks, cooking, picture taking, reading, laughing, playing, a baseball draft, and having fun!

A picture I am Sharing.... a tag made for me.



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