Monday, February 2, 2009

Manic Monday

What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod (or music collection)? I don’t own an iPod yet, however I would like to get one. I’m not really sure…. embarrassing…hmm..
How much time do you spend each day in your commute? (Or if you don't work outside the house, how much time do you spend in your car or other preferred mode of transportation?) I don’t work outside the home, but I spend on average an hour or two a day, depending on the day. Tuesday being the day we spend the most time in the car, cause we have library, and cub scouts.
What's your favorite wardrobe item and why? I love my new brown pants, that are cotton stretchy pants. They are so comfy, they are nice to lounge around the house in, or go for a walk in. I’m all about comfort.

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