Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge









1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don't you? (gasp!)

I try to send Christmas Cards every year. Some years I get them addressed but not sent. (oops)

We hang the cards on the wall around the house, or on our card holder.

2. When do kids become adults?

Do they ever really become adults??

3. Does your 'beauty regimen' change with the seasons?

No… I’m not really huge on “beauty regimen’s” I am a crawl out of bed, brush my hair and throw it up kinda gal. And out the door.

4. What's something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?

Not really thinking there is anything that I would eat, that would make other people turn up their nose. I like to eat my french fries with ketchup and mayo combined.

5. Gloves or mittens? 

Either really.. Gloves are nice for driving.  Mittens are better for playing outside.

6. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn't queue sound nicer?

No idea… I’m not a black Friday shopper.. So probably going to be a line when we were at Disney!

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the month of December?

Playing in the snow with my kiddo’s, sledding, making a snowman, and decorating cookies. Lots of fun stuff!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The end of this year is almost here.. Wow, this year flew by.. crazy! Where did all the time go? Hoping the next year is full of amazing times, friends, and opportunities.

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