Monday, November 21, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook:








November 21, 2011

Outside my window... It is cold.. I’m not ready for this “thing” they call winter yet. Last year was our first winter back (after living 2yrs in FL) I froze the whole winter. This year is not looking much more promising. My hands are already icicles.

I am thinking...  Wow, I really did need last week off.. So glad I took it. I’m getting better at this not stressing over the things I can not control thing. Before having a mental breakdown, I decided a week off was in order. Just means altering our schedule for December… but that is ok.

I am thankful for...  The amazing opportunities, and friends me and my kids have made this past year. We have had a great time in all the activities we are involved in, and made some wonderful friends, and reconnected with old ones.

From the learning rooms... We are getting ready to jump back in this week. Not to hard of course, since we have a bit of catching up to do, but we will do a few days. Taking Thanksgiving off of course. Read more about it here. (I think I need to update it, sorry if its behind a bit.)

From the kitchen... I think we are going to have left overs, so the fridge doesn’t get to full before Thanksgiving!

I am wearing...  Jeans, a t-shirt, and my sweatshirt, and yes shockingly, sneakers! (I found two nice pairs of LL Bean sneakers at a Tag Sale this past week, and they are so comfortable, best part, they fit me and my husband)

I am creating...  Scrapbooking pages… bit obsessed with this new program, and have been trying to catch up on this year. Smile Check out my giveaway (on the sidebar)

I am going... to try to get my schedule a bit less hectic after the new year.

I am reading... A book by Debbie MaComber… Still have a few left before I’ve read all her books. Plus rereading a Nicholas Sparks book. Smile

I am hoping... That everyone stays healthy and we have a great Thanksgiving. (someone is always sick on a Holiday)

I am hearing...   My kids chatter as they make their beds and clean up.

Around the house...  I don’t have much to do, cause my son did the laundry on Saturday (love that he can now) and I cleaned the school room yesterday.

One of my favorite things... Holidays, and spending time with my family. Along with our traditions.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  This week we have Cub Scouts, Library, Helping my dad, cooking, Thanksgiving, and lots of family time!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

A picture from last Thanksgiving.. when we were making Gingerbread cookies! Smile 


Rachel & Sage stiring together

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