Monday, October 6, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook!


October 6th

Outside My Window... The sun is shinning ever so bright! Its 88 out, but chance of rain later this evening...

I am thankful for... Fun filled days with my family!

From the kitchen... The smell of fresh homemade banana bread..YUM! Plus later we are making Halloween Sugar Cookies.

I am wearing... My Jean shorts, my Grey t-shirt, and no shoes!

I am reading... a new book I just picked up from the bookstore, and whatever book Hunter & I are anxiously awaiting to get the new Nicholas Sparks book. :)

I am hoping.... Hunter is liking his new school.

I am creating... scrapbook pages, and lots of blog entries latley

I am hearing... The dishwasher running, and the girls playing in their room.

Around the house... is rather quiet.

One of my favorite things... time spent with my family!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Library day tomorrow (and we can check out books), cooking, cleaning, walking, spending time with my beautiful babies, talking to my friends and family that I miss!

A picture I'm sharing.....
Sage dancing around! Always so full of energy! Gorgeous!

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