Monday, September 24, 2012

TOS Review: Homeschool Legacy




As a fairly new homeschool mom (we have only been doing this for 1 1/2 years) I haven’t gotten to all the different types of schooling. Unit studies is something I have been interested in, but never really gotten into it yet. The idea of it, is appealing to me, but sometimes I get worried about trying new things.


Homeschool Legacy is written by a homeschooling mom. They offer once-a-week-unit studies on many topics. Some of the ones they offer are:

  • Birds of a Feather
  • Forest for the Trees
  • Horsing around
  • Weather on the Move
  • Knights and Nobles
  • Native America
  • Early Settlers
  • Revolutionary Ideas: The Story of the American Revolutionary
  • and more…


I choose for us to review the Revolutionary Ideas: The story of the American Revolutionary. I figured since we enjoy history, this would be  a good fit.


The best part about the Once-a-Week Unit Studies is that there is no prep work. Except picking up some books/video’s from the library. (Which we are there once a week or more anyway) Even that is easy since the library lists are put in alphabetically and numerically order (by Dewey decimal). They are Biblically centered, flexible to compliment any curriculum, Interactive for the whole family, and can be used with Boy Scout & American Heritage Girls. For Boy Scouts this helps with earning Merit Badges. (Which was cool for us, since Monkey Man is going into Boy Scouts in a few months, so he has a head start on his Merit Badges) Each Unit Study has a page that tells you exactly what parts of “What” Merit Badge is earned. Which helps SO MUCH!


One of our other favorite parts was the study includes a weekly Family Game and Movie Night that are part of the unit study! How cool is that?!

Here are some of the Once-a-week Activities covered by a Unit Study:

  • Bible
  • Quality Literature
  • Language
  • History
  • Science
  • Geography
  • Research
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Art Appreciation
  • Music Appreciation
  • Life Skills
  • and Field Trip Suggestions.



I love how they give you a “suggested” schedule but you can tweak it to how it works best for you. So for us, we moved our Activities to Tuesday, because we have Co-op on Wednesdays.


We are in week “4” of the “7” weeks they plan out for you. We took one week off, on one of our busy weeks, were we had LOTS of field trips. The best part? That didn’t throw us off at all, and we just picked up were we left off.


What did the Monkey’s think:

They liked how it was broken up, so they weren’t doing extensive work all at one time. Loved all the activities and suggested Family times. They have already asked for us to look into another one to do!



My Thoughts:

As a teacher I love that everything is laid out for me. All I have to do is decide what books we are reading, and go to the library to get them! That we have a schedule to go by, even if we swap a few things around. This all makes my life so much easier!

I also loved the list included towards the end of Historic Sites of Interest, with links included! We are already putting a few on our next family trip!



This Unit Studies are priced at $19.95. So far, I found this is pretty average for most Unit Studies. All of Homeschool Legacy’s are geared toward children ages 2-12. Making it great for any larger families!



See what the rest of the TOS Crew has to say about this product!



*Disclaimer: I was given a copy of Revolutionary America Unit Study in exchange for my honest review as part of the TOS Crew. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkey’s.




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