Friday, September 9, 2011

Five Question Friday








1. What ringtone do you have on your cell phone?

I have a few different ones, so I know who is calling. One of my BF is a Nickelback song, another is The Sheera Theme Song (long story), and then everyone else’s is the Smurfs theme song! Smile Yup, I’m an odd ball!

2. What is your favorite memory from this summer?

I would have to say… swimming with friends at the lake, and going to the Drive-in.

3. Paper books or ebooks?

I like both. I read lots of books, so regular paper books are great… since I get lots from the library. Then Ebooks are great for the ones I get from the lending library online.

4. If you could have one home upgrade what would it be and why?

A wrap around porch, cause I have always wanted one. I love to sit outside and read, or eat dinner in the spring, summer, and fall.

5. When was your first serious boyfriend/girlfriend?

Geesh, I can’t remember.. Probably when I was 18? I wasn’t a big dater, til after high school.

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