Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kung-Zhu Party



Have you heard of the new Kung-Zhu hamsters?? Well we got a great opportunity to host a party. Thanks to Momselect and Toys R Us.

t kungzhupets

These hamsters are from two different forces. There is Special Forces, and Ninja Warriors… to choose from. There is 4 of each hamster, and they each have their own armor.

The obstacle course and battle arena is huge! The kids were chopping at the bit to play, and it took us a bit to set up. In the meantime they picked the hamster of their choice, and put on the armor.




Then when it was all set up. They went crazy… and off to battle. Laugh did these kids laugh. They had so much fun playing with them, and laughing at the obstacles they ran into along the way. (sorry there is only my kids in the pictures, but I don’t post any of kids that if I don’t have permission too)


You can buy these at any Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, or Amazon.

Looking for some fun this summer?? Zhu-Zhu’s are going on a tour at a city near you!! Check it out HERE.

*We just want to Thank MomSelect and Toy R Us again for giving us the opportunity to have that much fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time - we are hosting our party on our next 7 off - did you also make the recipes that were included? I am trying to decide what to do with the extra hamsters and their outfits - there weren't quite enough of them - so I am thinking of making up gift bags - some with hamsters and outfit some with just hamsters.