Monday, September 14, 2009

Simple Woman’s Daybook:




For Today September 14th, 2009

Outside my window.... damp it rained last night, but looks to be a nice day though.

I am thinking.... this month is half over.

From my imagination....Scout lessons..


I am thankful for.... my friends..they keep my head up when I can’t.


From the kitchen.... nothing, we have back to back activities tonight.


I am wearing..... Shorts, a tank top, and my Croc’s!

I am reading....  Catch a Raising Star by Tracy Bateman

I am hoping.....that Sage is free to eat and resume play after her appointment on Tuesday. She is getting anxious to play again.

I am creating... a chore chart cause the kids are getting slack again.


I am hearing.... the kids chattering as they prepare for their day.

One of my favorite things....books, and coffee!  Together in an afternoon is wonderful!


A few plans for the rest of the week:   Dentist appt, Dance, Girl Scouts, Cub scouts, Doctor’s appt, Library, Doctor’s Appt, and maybe a play date! So happy to see Sage up and moving!

A picture I am Sharing…   She loving that she can ride her bike now!

So happy

1 comment:

berrypatch said...

Nice! Isn't it crazy how fast the month is going?!?!