Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Calendar issues…..


with the new school year right around the corner?? I know I seem to be having horrible scheduling problems lately…whether it be due to my absent minded brain getting older, or just pure mistake. But in the last two months, I’ve missed TWO appointments. (yes I am ashamed to admit that)

I’ve tried regular calendars… and I actually have one hanging on my wall in front of me now..but its blank. I even have a small one in my purse which has stuff in it, but I forget to look at it everyday. Is there really a solution if you don’t have a palm pilot or a handy dandy organizer?

I think so! I found this website last year COZI , but had forgotten about it until they sent me an update on recent stuff they are doing. I clicked on it and logged back into my account, and remembered what I loved about it! Today I took the time to sit down and update it and insert all my recent appts. It has really cool features like color coded calendars for each family member. I have one color for each person in my family and a color for us as a group. Then you can enter your appts, or holidays, school vacations, trips, or whatever you like. You can set it to remind you via email, or text. I of course choose text cause i always have my phone near by! Plus you can have list going on it for things you need to pick up by store, and have that also sent to you. It also has a Family journal to input any important dates or things that happened on that day. Another way to remember something your kids might have said or did, till you can put it in a journal or scrapbook.

I really like it….. and its options. Plus its FREE! Mine is all set up for the upcoming busy school year, with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Dance, Doctors, play dates and more!  Go check it out and be sure to let me know what you think! 

1 comment:

berrypatch said...

I may look in to this. I'm using Google Calendar right now but I have a lot of blogging deadlines this year & I'm starting to panic! LOL I'm not sure if it's what I need or not.