the Monkey Bars!!!!!
He says he is now a big boy!
How cute is that???
He is getting to big for me….
Next he will be going on a date!
Oh my!
the Monkey Bars!!!!!
He says he is now a big boy!
How cute is that???
He is getting to big for me….
Next he will be going on a date!
Oh my!
that Hunter and Rachel get to go to the library with Sage and I! That is huge in this house! They love the library, and hate that they miss story hour during the school year. So when vacation arise that is the first thing they get excited about doing.
This vacation they got to go twice which made it all the more special…. The first week was about Christmas, and this past one we did books and activities about snow. We made snowflakes!
Check out the stack of books Hunter came home with??? He is loving that he has more of a variety to read now!
I hope that everyone had a splendid Christmas! I know we did…. Santa was very generous to my kids this year, as were us parents and grandparents. I must say for the first year my kids were really really excited about Christmas. They had a hard time staying asleep all night, and kept waking up with something silly to say or do. So we got up about 7am, and proceeded to open our stockings.
Once everyone was up and had, had a cup of coffee it was time to start in on the action. It only took us about 2hrs to go through all the presents to open them. The kids favorites were for Hunter his Lego's, star wars sets, and his Diji… For Rachel her new bathtub Barbie, and her Tinkerbell Jewelry Box… For Sage her new Barbie's, and My little Pony set. For me…My NEW CAMERA!!! I was so happy. I haven’t had a camera for almost 6 months. I’ve been using my in-laws… so it is so nice to have one again. Its a small thin one but has AMAZING features, I'll be playing with it for awhile. I love that it is small enough to slip in my purse and take with me too, for all those pictures you never know your gonna take it til the occasion arises!
We had a wonderful Christmas I hope you did too!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Here in our house we eat a ton of cereal! My kids eat an average of two bowls almost every morning. Then some of us adults will poor a bowl for a afternoon, or evening snack. In a month we can easily go through about 10-15 boxes… Can I tell you how expensive that can be?? So, I always make it a point to stock up on the coupons for when I can find my B1G1 Free deals. Yup, I hate paying full price for a box of cereal…. it can be anywhere from $3-$6 now isn’t that NUTS!!!! Absurd I say!
I know your all looking at this with your eyes bugging out…How can I let my kids eat so much sugar coated cereal?? Well, calm down…. I don’t allow much sugar cereal in my house. My kids favorites include Cheerio's (regular and Honey nut), Corn Flakes, Kix’s, and Frosted Shredded wheat. I usually let them each pick one sugary cereal out a month for their treat.
With that being said, I was very excited to hear that General Mills announced a commitment to further reduce sugar in cereals advertised to kids under 12 to single digit grams of sugar per serving. Then increasing key nutrients, such as calcium and Vitamin D, and providing some whole grain!
Some quick facts from General Mills:
If you would like to see more information about kids and cereal, you can visit Cereal Health and Wellness.
General Mills Cereal would like to offer everyone a $1 off Coupon for one of four General Mills Cereals which you can get HERE.
*This information, and product where given to me by General Mills through Blogspark. Thank you General Mills and My Blog Spark!!!
I needed to make cookies for Santa, but my husband was working overnights and needed to sleep. As you all know kids can’t be quiet when excited about things like that. So, I decided to see if my friend was up to making cookies, and just go hang out at her house, to make them. This is what kind of fun we had!
My your day be filled with laughter and joy,
and smiles….
We will be dancing, singing, giggling, cooking,
playing, watching and reading Christmas stories
What about you??
The kids are super excited, the stockings are hung,
the presents are wrapped…..
Let the celebration begin!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!
We will be playing with toys and cuddling for the next
few days… when we return we will have lots of
great pictures to share, and stories to tell,
and hopefully some giveaways to enter!
No?? Why not?? Does the slime stop you dead in your tracks?? I know, it would me!
We don’t often go to the movies, but some friends of ours managed to get us two free tickets to see the Princess and the Frog. How was I going to say no?? The kids had been asking to see it. For them going to the movies is a VERY special treat.
That was our celebration that we made it to the start of vacation. Now lets hope the kids are able to behave for the duration of the vacation so we can celebrate the end!!!
I must say this movie was very cute… we didn’t get the best seats in the house, cause the place was packed, so the only spot available for 5 people, was right up in the front 2nd row back from the screen. I think my neck still hurts! The movie was a good one, sorta like a Cinderella story, but with a twist. It had a bit of dark spots in it with the Voodoo guy, but nothing to scary. My girls were perfectly fine, and loved it. Hunter liked it even though it was a bit girly he said! (getting to old for those I guess??)
All and all it was a fabulous night, and the kids were excellent for the movie, and ate lots, and lots of popcorn. They even fell asleep before we made it home.
Next they want to see Chimpmunks the Squeakquel, Sherk the final, and there were a few others they said looked good. I wish it was a bit cheaper so we could go more often… however, it usually costs us 60-70 dollars by the time it is said and done…
This past weekend we decided to take the scouts on a hike. To find “Real” woods is hard in Florida. So, I have to say the trail we picked this time was very much the closest to woods we have gotten thus far.
The kids had a blast as usual…. my kids love nothing better than to get out their with nature. My leg is still healing, so it was a bit hard at times for me to keep up, and it was ready for a rest at the end, but all and all was a good hike.
We were able to see some deer tracks, lots of types of trees, a hawk, spiders, and a few other things along the way. Not sure how long of a hike it was…I'd have to say at least a mile. I’m hoping to do another one soon. We love to get out their and explore nature!
Ok, now for the list of books I said I’d read…
Now aside from my 20 books I wanted to read… I’ also wanted to work on a couple of series with my kids. With my son I was going to read “39 Clues Series” with him…
and with my daughters we were going to work on the “Tinkerbelle Series” of books.
Now here is the list of books I read besides the ones I listed…
As you can see… I didn’t quite get all the books read that I wanted too. However, I think I made a pretty darn good dent in them. The others are still on a list, and will be read. With birthdays, and holidays things got a bit crazy and disorganized around here! I had a great time with this challenge though, and hope to participate in another one! I didn’t provide a review of the book here, but if anyone wants to know about a book just leave me a message and I will get back to you with my thoughts!
Happy Reading Everyone!!!
Awakened by screaming….. someone took someone’s toy!
They proceeded to have breakfast and fought over who was allowed to sit next to who…..Seriously??
Back to room to play..and minutes later they were screaming AGAIN!!!
After a ton of fighting later, finally time for bed! YAY!
Today they were much better…..
Only a few screams, a bit of griping for picking up their room
One got stuck under the mattress while making her bed…
Played in the dirt for hours,
and played some board games….
went to bed so quickly and quietly!
Why can’t everyday be like that???
This year our pack decided to do a Dinner for the December meeting… which turned out great I think. They made Lasagna, Salad, and garlic bread. Does it get any better than that?? The Tigers, and Wolves, brought drinks, and the Bears, and Weebloo’s brought dessert. One of our den leaders did a fantastic job getting it all put together!
During this meeting the boys got their newest awards. Hunter got another belt loop. and bead towards earning his Wolf Badge. He also got a patch for going to the Tribal Nations Camping Trip, and for selling popcorn, along with his prize a wind up flash light. He loves it!! He also wants to thank our friends and family again that ordered popcorn from him!!! He also got his pinewood derby car, and we got one for each of the girls, cause they are having a sibling race this year. We will talk more about that when we are in January!
It was a great night, and a nice start to the holiday season!
The Glitter, Glisten, and Shine Festival has now officially become one of our Christmas traditions. Since coming to Florida, a few of our traditions have been lost, and new ones gained, or being developed. I mean after all Traditions are the best part of Christmas right???
The kids love this festival for many reasons, but the biggest being that there is a big pile of SNOW to play in. After all how many places in FL do you know of to play in snow? With this being said it is also the biggest attraction for all these kids!
Along with the snow they have schools that come in and do caroling, and some skits. Which are very cute… along with a couple of dance schools in the area. Always a joy to watch. Plus they have crafts for the kids, cookie decorating, hot chocolate, sleigh rides, and of course SANTA! Best part of all??? Almost all of it is free! How can you go wrong???
This year it was a cold day, but prefect for the kids to get a chance to use their gloves. Before we were through it started to rain, so we left a bit early…but we came home to have hot cocoa, cookies, and watched a Christmas movie with our friends. We were so happy to have our friends join us this year, and hope that this also can be a part of our tradition!
What are some of your favorite traditions?
I love cookbooks, so I was excited to get the chance to review this book. I don’t often cook for crowds but found the things she thought were great for them, and bad for them very interesting. Love the whole section on what kids will eat, and what to cook for picky eaters. This book was jammed packed with useful information! My kids and I were very anxious to try some new recipes…. They were yummy and crowd pleasers.. I can see myself using this book for reference numerous times.
About the Author: Cherie Kimmons loves food, enjoys preparing it, consuming it, and sharing it with others. She comes from a rich culinary tradition that blends Italian and Cajun French Cooking. Over the years she has spent working as an award-winning reporter and columnist for Knoxville’s Press Enterprise, a web writer for HGTV, and a freelance writer. She chaired school committees, created menus, and cooked countless meals for her kids’ sports teams. While keeping an eye out on which foods were eaten first and which went home untouched. Then combined her first-handed experience with her writing skills and a healthy dose of humor. The result?? Her Potluck Survival Guide, the prefect tool for parents, volunteers, and hosts faced with the daunting task of feeding the masses, while maintaining their sanity!
About the Book:
Potluck Survival Guide, a light-hearted handbook for beginning and experienced cooks, helps frazzled parents, volunteers, event chairs and novice hosts feed the masses while keeping their sanity. Author Cherie Kimmons, who has spent years in the cooking trenches, helps readers prepare all-time potluck favorites for school, athletic, scouting, band, social and church events. Featuring kid-tested and approved recipes (with modifications for adult palates), the guide includes a unique section of in-depth recipes that serve as a starting point for endless variations. It also explores considerations for feeding young children and athletes, buffet strategies, decorating tips and fun menu ideas. To learn more about her, you can go HERE.
You can buy your copy today! It sales at Amazon or Barnes and Nobles or Five Star Publications for around $22-$24!
with Christmas on our heels… I had decided to make this afternoon a fun one for my kids! Starting with some Gingerbread Bears… We needed to be a bit different!! Sage and I started to make cookies, so they would be ready when Hunter & Rachel got home from school. Here is Sage attempting for the first time to learn how to roll out cookies.
Then after they had time to cool, so they could be decorated once they had finished their homework. They had a blast and it put us in the holiday spirit!
After that we were off to deck the halls, and the tree!!! More on that to come…..
About the Book:
In the struggle for healing, when do you fight and when do you surrender?
Ryan Alexander-Coe is a talented photojournalist who has been on assignment all over the world. But when her two sons choose to live with their father after her divorce, Ryan must give her career up for a small-town newspaper job in order to be near them.
Life spirals out of control when her fifteen-year-old son is arrested. Desperation--both over the fact that she cannot believe her son committed this crime and that he refuses to talk to her--sends her anger level soaring . . . and eventually sends her storming into Dr. Sullivan Crisp's office in search of ways to cope with her anger. Sully is in town assisting at one of his clinics and continuing his search for Belinda Cox, the woman whose guilt-inducing counseling caused the death of his wife and daughter. When Sully's search ends in disaster, both he and Ryan will have to fully rely on God--rather than themselves--to survive these storms.
About the Author:
Rue has become a successful, best-selling author of books for ‘tweens and adults. Over her career she’s written more than 100 books. Nancy travels the country speaking and teaching at schools, churches, home school groups, and for groups of ‘tween girls and their moms. She lives in Tennessee with her husband, Jim. Their daughter, Marijean, and son-in-law, Brian, live in nearby Nashville. The Rues’ two Lab puppies share (and eat) Jim and Nancy’s home. To learn more about Nancy Rue go Here…
My Thoughts:
I was really not sure what to expect from this book. I have never read any of Nancy Rue’s books, or heard of her before this. I must say this book really surprised me though…..from the moment I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down. The story of Ryan Cox, really just captured me. I had to go with her on her journey. A very compelling story! I would absolutely recommend this book to my friends… I think it would be great for a book club as well (there is even a discussion booklet in the back) Everyone could use the truths hidden in this book, for their own lives.
Buy the book:
You can go to Barnes and Nobles, or Amazon to pick up this book. It ranges for about $11
* This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Book Bloggers in exchange for my review. This is solely my opinion. To become a Thomas Nelson Book Blogger go HERE.
She was so EXCITED! We happen to see him in the mall, with no lines! It was great, she got to take her time, and really talk with him. Santa was very nice and listened to all she had to say…
here she is telling him all about the Mickey Car she wants… Oh and I think she mentioned books, Barbies, and some stuff that Rachel wanted as well… (what a nice sister)
Every once and awhile, you need an escape and some fun… Sage and I have been getting a bit stir crazy in the house lately. So we decided to head off to do some Christmas shopping, or gazing… We ended up at a small mall near our house, which usually isn’t very busy, even less so during the week. It was a prefect escape for part of the day, especially on this rainy day.
We stopped off at Claire’s and decided to do a fashion show….
The last one is my favorite… What about you???
I recently had the oppurtunity to try the new AuqaFresh IsoActive Toothpaste from SheSpeaks. I was not really sure what to expect at first. I’m very picky about my toothpaste. Some might even say ridiculously picky… I have to have the right taste, after taste, and feel. I want something that is going to work, taste good and not leave me with a gross taste in my mouth for hours. AuqaFresh IsoActive did all that and more! I was blown away. The taste was average but likeable, it left my mouth feeling minty fresh, and clean…very clean! I also was so happy with the container. How many of you can’t stand the toothpaste being all over the cover or down the side of the tube?? I know, I can’t!!! This was easy to use, and no MESS! Even my kids could use it without making a mess. It was WONDERFUL! Plus for a good toothpaste, its not really any more expensive compared to others out there. It runs about 3.50 a tube.
AquaFresh IsoActive removes three times the bacteria as your leading brand, and it whitens. It foams to get more between the teeth where more cavities form because it is often forgotten. Go to AquaFresh for more info on this toothpaste, and a dollar off coupon!!!!
I learned that the driving I do is considered 'severe driving' since I do mostly short, stop and go trips. Hence, regular oil changes are important. I leave that job to my husband!
Please email me your address…. You have 48 hrs to respond, or I will pick a new winner.
I am thankful for….. Being pretty much done with my Christmas shopping. Just a few stocking stuffers, and two gifts left to get. YAY!
From the kitchen... Not sure, a stew is sounding really good though!
I am hoping….. for a fabulous holiday season, full of cheer… so far pretty good. We are getting in the spirit, and I love that!
One of my favorite things….. Christmas lights, I love the joy and laughter they bring to my kids, and what just seeing them can do to lift your spirit. Amazing it is!
A few plans for the rest of the week…. grocery shopping, dance, girl scout awards and holiday party tonight, library, play date for Sage, Cub Scouts, reading, relaxing, and some holiday fun towards the end of the week!
A picture I am sharing…… our Lego Advent Calendar, the kids are absolutely loving this… I got a pretty good deal on it… it has a new Lego for each day til Christmas. So far they have gotten a snowman, sled, bench, lamp post, boy with snowballs, and a skater.
About the Author:
This book was written while Lizzie from A Dusty Frame was in college. It was for her home economics class. (which was her major) After many years of wanting to type it up and share it.. she decided this year to tackle it.
About the Book:
Visions of Sugarplums contains 50 recipes–from old family favorites to international treats. It also includes charming quotations from classic books and authors as well as tips for Christmas and a few cooking helps.
My thoughts:
It has some wonderful recipes in it… my kids and I tried a few and they were delish! Our favorite was the Gingerbread waffles, peanut butter dip, and Mediterranean Meatballs! There is so many things to try out though! Some of the other recipes include:
just to name a few! The other big thing I liked about this book, was that she had a list of books her family likes for Christmas, and a list she likes. I’m huge on reading themed books around holidays with my kids, so we are excited to read some of these!
To Buy it:
You can go HERE. Its only $7! Keep in mind it is an E-book, but you could always print it off add it to a personally decorated binder for a nice Christmas present!!!
"This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by: Lizzie @ A Dusty Frame for this review."
busy, very busy… after a week of vacation, and sickness… I had put a lot of stuff off. (note to self: Not a good idea) After a morning of blog skimming, and email reviewing and returning. I rested with Sage, since I still wasn’t feeling 100%. Waited for the kids to get home from school, and prepared to head off to drop Rachel at dance.
From there, I had to run to Target and drop off prescriptions…. and pick up Andy from work. On my way home, my car started shaking a bit, and it was not normal. My car is a bit out of alignment (on my list of things to get done ASAP, when the money fairy appears) Close to home, I asked Andy to look and see if the tire was really low in air pressure cause it was just not acting right. He said it was fine, so we went on…. Over the railroad tracks, and BOOM! My car makes this horrible noise and all I could here was WHACK, WHACK! I pulled over and just said only my luck!! This was my spare on there already, since my original tire was very worn. Was hoping this one would get me thru the month…at least until after Christmas when I could afford to replace all 4 tires and get an alignment. I crept home, cause I was only a block away… going less than 5 miles per hour. (Note: the tire wasn’t flat, so I knew it wouldn’t bend the rim)
I got home to see this:
So needless to say my first trip out on Tuesday after dropping the kids off at school, and Andy off at work, was to Wal-Mart for 2 new tires! Next an alignment. Why do these things always happen right before Christmas???
Oh, and something cute Sage said… We were on our way to get tires, and she says to me… No, we need Grandpa Ray for that. (my dad is a mechanic, and he always fixed our cars in Maine) We miss him dearly! I thought it was cute and funny that she remembered that he usually helps us.
in Hunter’s quest to be more like Darth Vader, he ended up with Pneumonia, or at least the beginning of it. Yuck! Just when we thought we were safe from catching the millions of flu germs that have come way to close for comfort to us, he ended up with this. Sage also had a nasty cough, but hers was not quite as developed as his. So we were able to just give her an antibiotic.
Hunter on the other hand ended up with this very cute new look.
He had to have a treatment every 4 hrs for 3 days… and he was a really good spirit about it. The worst part was that it was pretty cold out for a few days, and I wouldn’t allow him outside to play. Big mean mom, I am!
We went back on Monday and he has since stopped whizzing. Just have to finish out the treatments til the weekend. Rachel’s lungs where crystal clear, and we are hoping it stays that way!!!
Pride and Prejudice
November 15, 2009 12:26 PM
Congrats! I have sent you an email… you have 48hrs to respond or I will pick a new winner. Thanks!