Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer Fun......

With the last night before school here... we decided with the nice weather after supper we would go out and have some family fun time.... They wanted to play soccer with Daddy... mommy still can't run or play on her ankle, until after the doctor looks at it Thursday... Anyway... Being that it was such a nice day out today.. and its starting to feel like fall. The kids really are enjoying the evening air. Hunter loves to play soccer so he was practicing his kicks and stopping the ball..... Sage was hilarious trying to kick the ball.... she would run up to it really fast, but more run into the ball to kick it, instead of actually stopping to kick the ball. Way, to cute! Rachel likes to kick the ball, run after it, and just get to use her new soccer ball from Christmas, cause its white and pink!!! :)

1 comment:

berrypatch said...

We just did this the other day too. J may play this year so let me know what you end up doing. N is definitely playing so we'll see you there! ;-)