Friday, August 22, 2008


I know it has really been far and few between me updating... So I thought I would give you an update. I have been really busy working this month, and been going thru what I call a mid-life crisis... Yes, I know I'm only 29... but I really think so. Many of you already know I was filing for divorce... well it came down to me filing them, and I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to finalize it for my family just yet... I kept thinking is it really fair for me to make that big decision for my kids, without really being rational about it??? So, after some long dicussions between me and andy, we decided that we are going to try and make things work. Are we all perfect no... and I am so of the blame I am sure. There is a lot to be changed to make life better, but if we are both willing to put in the time, then I guess its worth trying right?? So, here we are... Thanks for all of your support thru my ups and downs.... I know, I make myself crazy, so how any of you put up with me is beyond me!
For now, I am looking for a job... had a couple leads and wishing for the best... Andy is also trying to look for a job... I hate to leave my kids, since I have been the primary care giver, but I have faith that everything will work out for the best in the end. I am also looking to apply to KVCC for the spring semester, and go back to school... so I will keep you all updated on that. So, thanks again, and I will try to get back into keeping you all updated as things go... and post in pic's! :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sounds like you could use all the "emotional support" you could get. I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but you might try church. Sundays are hard when you only have that for your family (I know, I lived in a house like that growing up). But we've found, through the years of Bob being so busy with school and work, that though Sunday was our day, we were much better able to get through the week when we were "spiritually fed".

Don't want you to think I'm just preaching. I know life is hard... especially right now. I'm glad you have the faith to see things through to whichever end the Lord directs you both.

Let me know what I can do to help... the kids would still love to get together sometime.