Monday, May 23, 2011

Simple Woman’s Daybook:








FOR TODAY... Monday May 23rd, 2011

Outside my window...  it is still dreary and blah… Really wish the rain would go away. 2 weeks, is just to much!


I am thinking…  A nice calm week ahead… and to finish off the week, my birthday.

I am thankful for…..the amazing privileges I get in my life. It may not be easy, but someone always has it worse.

From the learning rooms…..… Day 148 today!

Monkey Boy-   is coming along great!  

Middle Monkey- is starting to read a chapter book.

Littlest Monkey- is reading level one books nicely now, so proud of her! 

You can read more about our Homeschooling over here.

From the kitchen…. . Spanish Pot Roast, a new recipe we are trying out. Smile 

I am creating…. Curriculum still, it’s a slow process… ah!

I am wearing.. Jeans, t-shirt, and a sweatshirt (finally warming up)

I am going..  pray we get a bit of sun shine this week, so we can finish planting some crops, and hope that our seeds don’t rot from to much water.

I am hearing…..   Silence! Love it! Smile 

I am reading… Nothing at the moment, need to swing by the library today… Need another book.

Around the house…. Cleaning the bathroom (most hated job) and then fold some laundry.

One of my favorite things…  Watching my kids discover things.

A few plans for the rest of the week….   Library,  Baseball games, maybe a movie, not much this week.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing…

Don’t have one this week… haven’t really been taking any, to much rain. Be back next week with a good one!

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