Monday, July 19, 2010

Simple Woman’s Daybook:







FOR TODAY... Monday July 19th, 2010



Outside my window... The sun is shining and it is starting to get pretty hot…

I am thinking... phew gonna be a long day… been up off and on all night and up for good at 4am.

I am thankful… I really do love pictures!  

From the learning rooms...Hunter is still working on his Amphibians unit study, multiplication (with a Lego unit study as well), and reading…. 

Rach- is still working on her reading skills (doing good with level 1 books), and addition

Sage- Letter sounds, and sight words

From the kitchen... Teriyaki Burgers, and salad

I am wearing...My normal, shorts, t-shirt, and croc’s!

I am creating... A plan for the next year of Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts activities. Some blog posts too..

I am… today is the start of Hubby’s 4 day vacation… and we are going to have a fantastic time!

I am reading... Big Girl by Danielle Steel

I am hearing...Sage sing, and the tv. Hunter and I are watching a DVR’d episode of Food Challenge

Around the house... Laundry! Lots of laundry! UGH!

One of my favorite things... Time with my family!

A few plans for the rest of the week: A movie night, trip to the mall, family dinner out, trip to the beach, and having lots and lots of fun!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Sage planting flowers for the Sunshine Foundation!


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