Monday, January 11, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook:

For Today January 11th, 2010 
Outside my window… it is down right cold here! Yesterday we got SLEET!!! With a few snow flurries.. yes I am for real, in FL!!! Does anyone else see an issue with that?

I am thinking…. sweet, I'm almost done organizing files, and calendar stuff! Phew! 

From my imagination…. Not really to much this week.. Working on some ideas for my girls to make a cute Cookie flier/ display for when we have our booth sales. 

I am thankful for…. having the computer back... I was so lost without it... it really is my life line sometimes. It stores everything for me!

From the kitchen... Lemon chicken in the Crock pot from one of my crock pot recipe books that i got for Christmas! I love the Crock pot it simplifies my life when I have so much going on!!! 

I am wearing….  jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt....socks, and yup still my croc's!!! LOL! 

I am reading… Some more books from Debbie Macomber….she has a few series I really like. Working on one called Heart of Texas.

I am hoping…. that during the next busy 2 months things can go smoothly and no big issues arise.
I am creating…. Organization! Which i have mostly finished up with... and now I'm working on some stuff for this summer/fall. Cause I will be homeschooling Hunter after the end of this school year. We are both excited with our new adventure.

I am hearing….. Sage giggle at Mickey Mouse... the other two are already off to school, and so Sage and I are just hanging out. 

One of my favorite things…. Lazy quiet days with my family... with smiles, laughter and snuggling. We don't have nearly enough of them. 
A few plans for the rest of the week…. Dance, Library, Cub Scouts, a play date for Sage maybe…We need to get back to the playground, but it has been really cold.. Hoping the weather warms up this week! 

A Picture I am sharing….  Sage & Rachel playing in the new Fort they got for Christmas. This things was pretty darn neat. Its a kit of rods with balls to hook them in, to design forts. Then you just add your own blankets!!!



berrypatch said...

Don't worry - it's cold up here too. ;-) Exciting to hear about homeschooling Hunter! Yeah! Let me know if you have any questions I can help with....

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