Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giving back to the community!



A couple weeks ago, Hunter’s Cub Scout pack got together for a community project. Yes, I know I’m a bit late getting this up…. I’m slow these days, but trying desperately to get better.

Back to the story…. I love my kids being in Scouts, cause then they really learn what it means to give back to our community’s. This time we cleaned up some brush, and raked some leaves. It was a really nice day for it too. Hunter worked really hard raking leaves, and hauling brush. I was really proud of him.



A few days later, he also helped with organizing food for the food cupboard. He worked really hard with his fellow scouts for that too!

I love watching my kids learn what it means to help others… cause I really think that in these times, people are not so good at it.

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