Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gratitude Post







Day 3:

Today I am super thankful for my family.. They may drive me a bit insane daily, but they are what keep me going.

I have one amazing boy, that is bright, kind, caring, and adorable! He makes me very proud!

Then I have two girls, who couldn’t be anymore different. Middle Monkey is a smart, strong willed, but determined child. She is emotional and very loving, but struggles with Sensory Issues. She has a beautiful smile, and loves to help!

Little Monkey is my baby… and she loves to be with her mommy. She is the clown of the family, and loves to keep everyone smiling. She is friendly, smart, and very caring. Beautiful inside and out!

My hubby.. well like any hubby is a pain in my butt. However, works hard to give me the opportunity to stay home with my kiddo’s. He stands behind me and supports me even if he doesn’t always agree.

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photo taken by a friend of mine… Didn’t she do awesome. You should swing by and let Lisa know over at The Berry Patch.

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