In my life this week…
It has been pretty calm, I had a bit of a mental overload this past weekend, so I decided we needed to take the week off. I needed a mental vacation.
In our homeschool this week…
We didn’t do school.. so we will just bump our week up a couple after the holiday and catch up. That is the great thing about homeschooling right!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Take the time off when you need too. It does wonders in the end. I used to stress over it, but now I realize it will be fine. (trust me it took a while to realize that)
I am inspired by…
By my kids.. they teach me amazing things each day. They remind me that life is more that just our routine. Sometimes we need to just step back and take it all in.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week, we are not really going anywhere. The cub scouts are bringing food to the Food Cupboard. Then we are just hanging out at home, and getting ready for Thanksgiving.
My favorite thing this week was…
Going shopping for 6 hrs and not really having any of my kids complain.
What’s working/not working for us…
Taking the time we need to regroup.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Are you done with your Christmas shopping??
Things I’m working on…
Some blog posts, that I need to get up… and some Scrapbooking. Working on a couple of albums, on a new digital program I have.
I’m reading…
A book by Debbie MaComber while waiting for the next book in the Cedar Cove Series comes in.
I’m cooking…
Not sure yet… Trying to figure that out. Spaghetti maybe?
I’m grateful for…
My family… even though they frustrate me from time to time. I am thankful for them, I’d be lost without them.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~Albert Einstein