Tuesday, January 31, 2012
It’s that time of year again….
when all those nasty cold germs are floating about… and you have to remind them to watch their hands 50 times a day so they don’t catch some nasty virus going around..
Although, despite our best efforts as parents, they still get sick sometimes don’t they?
One great things for us, has been since we have started to Homeschool, they have been pretty healthy, knock on wood (Tap,tap). Don’t get me wrong they still get a sniffle now and again, or a nagging cough, but they are less likely to get something much worse.
This week for instance, two of the Monkey’s are sick. They have these deep coughs, that don’t go away… especially in the middle of the night. Their heads are congested, and their noses are dripping… ((sigh))
So what are some of your go to remedies? For a cough, I love to use a cough syrup with honey in it, or straight honey. However, that doesn’t always do the trick, so we also really like delsyum.
Before they get to bad, we also give them a glass a day of Emergen-C to drink. That makes an enormous difference. They don’t have the cold for nearly as long, and sometimes it only comes with a few sniffles.
For those nights when that doesn’t work though, we use a Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever, and pain reliever like Children’s Advil. We recently got a bottle of Children’s Advil to try.. we have had to use it a couple of times since the kids got sick. It worked well, and the kids liked the flavor. It seemed to last longer than some of the no-name brands we have tried in the past.
Children’s Advil is great for helping relieve a fever for up to 8 hours with only one dose. It comes in 4 great flavors for those kids who don’t like a medicine taste.. You can find it in Dye-Free – White Grape (which I like to get, they don’t need added chemicals), Grape, Fruit, and Blue Raspberry. Two of my monkey’s are not huge on pill form or chewable medicine, so this makes it great for them. Its designed for ages 2-11 but is liquid form.
What are some of your remedies for when your kids get sick?
I have some extra $1 off Any 1 Children’s Advil Product coupons… so I’m going to run a quick giveaway and mail them to the winners. These coupons are good until May.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I was given a sample of Children’s Advil and coupons in exchange for my honest review as part as Smiley360. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkey’s.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Menu Plan Monday
Chicken with Kraft’s new Shake’n bake sorta thing, mashed potatoes, and veggies.
Applesauce Pork Loin, Egg noodles with a garlic parmesan sauce, carrots
Spaghetti, garlic bread
Dinner with friends (maybe) or Soup & Grilled Cheese
Banquet dinner at Blue & Gold
Simple Woman’s Daybook
January 30th, 2012
Outside my window...
Sunny, with a slight chance of snow flurries, again.. (we are quite used to it around here)
I am thinking...
I have so many projects, and things on my To-do list, that I should get crackin! Anyone else have this problem too??
I am thankful for...
An upcoming week away that me and my family are going to enjoy.
From the learning rooms...
We are zooming right along… Only 2 more weeks, and we are off for a week or two. (Love that I get to decide when we start back up)
Want to read more… Check out our Homeschool blog.. The Monkey School
From the kitchen...
I’m still working on that… Check back in an hour or so, when I post Menu Monday!
I am wearing...
Jeans, a t-shirt, and my new sweater from my mom.
I am creating...
Some party favors, and ideas for Little Monkey’s Smurfalicious B-day party in a few weeks!
I am going...
to be super busy for the next month. Hope I have time to come up and catch my breath!
I am reading...
Nothing til my next book comes in from the library.
I am hoping...
To get some more of my reorganizing done this next couple weeks. I will take before and after photo’s, when we finally fully dive into the project.
I am hearing...
The girls playing a card game, while they wait for the rest of us to get ready for the day…
Around the house...
I have lots of laundry to fold and put away. Then I need to sweep and mop floors, bathrooms to clean.. and dishes to do. You?
One of my favorite things...
Having Monday be a guaranteed family day, since Daddy always has it off, and we all go to 4H, and even though we break apart for scouts, we still really enjoy being together for the whole day.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
4H, Library, Cub Scouts, Lunch with my cousin, shopping, fun with friends, Daisy event, Blue & Gold Banquet, and a birthday party.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
A picture of my niece that I love… I took this on Christmas Eve. Isn’t it adorable!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal:
In my life this week…
This week I have been extremely busy.. I prepped for a Girl Scout meeting on Monday but our weather made it so it was canceled….Then I spent Wednesday waiting for my mom at an appointment, and then we did a bit of shopping and lunch, that was nice…
Thursday Middle Monkey had a hearing test…
Friday we ended up having to get two new tires put on, and then clean up from another storm.
Yesterday we spent with my Sister-in-law , and attended a birthday party. We had a good day…
Now today we are spending at home, relaxing, watching a few shows, catching up on blogs.. and the kids are playing with Barbie's, and Lego’s, while resting so we can get rid of this crud that has attacked them!
In our homeschool this week…
This week, was a bit of a sporadic week. We did school like normal on Monday, and Tuesday… The rest of the week was when we could work around other things. Learned more about Ancient History, Monkey Man learned how to do Mean, Median, and Modes in math.. (found that he thought they were fun) and summed up our week with some reading..
To see more about our week go to our Homeschool Blog… The Monkey School (think I should go update it then huh??!)
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Find fun things to break up the day to day things.. Like last week we had a playdate, this week we did lunch out.. and next week we are meeting friends for lunch again.. maybe a trip to the bookstore for a few new books.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This next week, we are going to 4H, Cub Scouts, Lunch with a cousin, 4 wheel alignment, some shopping, maybe a movie night with friends, Daisy event, Blue & Gold Banquet, and then another birthday party to round out the weekend… you?
My favorite thing this week was…
Breakfast with my Middle Monkey out by ourselves, before her appointment this week.
What’s working/not working for us…
Doing TOS reviews… My kids have loved being able to throw in some new curriculum here and there, to give us a break from the norm. We really enjoy it!
Questions/thoughts I have…
Think I have narrowed down the things we want to get for next year, but wandering if anyone has experience with Teaching Textbooks, looking for feedback on it.
Things I’m working on…
Planning some fun activities for this year… Looking forward to some exciting day trips, and couple day get aways!
I’m reading…
Nothing at the moment, waiting for my next book to come in.
I’m cooking…
Tonight we are having Chicken covered in this new Kraft Shake’n Bake kinda thing we found at the store, mashed potatoes, and a veggie.
I’m grateful for…
Dates with my kids, they don’t come often enough, but are so cherished when they do!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Homemade Granola Bars we made a few weeks ago… they were very yummy!
TOS Review: KinderBach
This review was neat. My kids have always wanted to learn how to play Piano, and this makes it a bit easier on my budget. With three kids, lessons can get a bit costly. However, I was afraid something taught by dvd or something wouldn’t be easy enough, or to distracting for them.
KinderBach is an online or Dvd curriculum with the goal of both the parent and the teacher to have fun. Can’t bet that can you?
Online Piano Lessons start at $7.99 and the Dvd sets start at $40.45
** Note they are trying to get an app for Ipad’s and Androids soon too.
This program is geared towards 3-7 yrs old.. but my 9 yr old watched and learned with the girls. Might be to childish for a child 10 or older..
The lessons are gradual and child based with lots of fun characters, so learning can go at their speed. They also include some pretty fun characters to make it even more fun.
One of our favorite features, is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time with the lessons. If you miss a lesson one week, its not the end of the world. With our busy lives, that is HUGE! You also don’t need to have a piano or keyboard to use right away. It is taught without it at first.
A bit more about the Kinderbach .. it has 6 levels, and each level has 10 weeks, and each week has 4 lessons. So this program could last a long time, or your child might zoom through it. My kids found that they liked it enough to want to go through more than one lesson at a time, however, I limited them to only 2 lessons at a time, cause I didn’t want them to loose sight of what they were learning.
You can also supplement what you are learning with each lesson through the pintables. Most lessons have a printable to go along with them. Which my kids loved!
My thoughts:
Do I think it is worth it? Absolutely, cause normal piano lessons are usually around $10-$15 dollars or more per half hour. So, to get them started I think this program is would be a great fit.
They also offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so give a it a try today and let me know what you think!
Be sure to swing by and see what other TOS members are saying about Kinderbach!
*I was given a free access to Kinderbach for my honest opinion as part of TOS. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkey’s.
The winner is.....
You won my Purex Giveaway!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thankful Thursday:
Today I am thankful for … time spent with my kids individually. I don’t get as much of it as I would like to have with them, but I do cherish the times I get.
My post resolution this year, is to spend more one-on-one time with my kids. I have a list of things that we are going to designate to each month. Another idea I found on Pinterest. (yup, its dangerous)
What are you Thankful for??!
Chore Chart
I have been trying to find a solution to get my kids to be accountable, and do their part to help out.
This is really hard to teach a 7,8, and almost 10 yr old to understand sometimes. They mean well at the beginning but always end up losing interest super fast.
Well while I was killing time one afternoon on my new obsession Pinterest. (Look for my button on the my side bar)
Here is the one that I was looking at…
I then took that idea and made one for us..
Here is the we came up with!

Picking out the fabric….
All done sewing….
With chores in them….
As you can see we made ours a bit differently. I need to put the kids first initial on there, so they know who’s is who’s… and maybe put chore chart across it.
I have started with a few chores, we are going to add to it a bit, as we go..
I was at a loss to as to what to use to hang it, cause I didn’t have any heavy duty magnets. Then as I was hanging up the kids clothes, it came to me. A pants hanger from the store!!! Prefect!

Here is Middle Monkey showing you how the hanger works…
I’ll let you know how this one pans out for us. So far, so good!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday Hodgepodge:
1. The NFL playoffs were held this past weekend and this year's Superbowl lineup will feature The New York Giants versus The New England Patriots. How do you define 'patriot'?
Patriot? I would have to say… having a love for ones country.
2. What's something in your life right now that feels like a 'giant'?
Life in general.. No, I don’t think I really have a giant in my life at the moment.
3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think back to being 18?
Wow, umm.. I had just graduated high school and packed my bags, and moved to South Carolina with my best friend.
4. Coconut-mashed potatoes-vanilla ice cream-mayonnaise...which white food would be the hardest to give up?
I would have to say ice cream.. but mayonnaise, and mashed potatoes are a VERY close second. Lol
5. Describe an incident or a day you remember as the coldest you've ever experienced?
Waking up on a below zero morning, with a non-working furnace.
6. You're hosting a brunch...what's your favorite dish to prepare and serve?
Brownies! LOL…
Probably a Taco dip, or a veggie platter.
7. How do you combat negative thinking?
I have a very hard time with this sometimes.. but I would have to say, by trying to think of the positives. Remembering that there is always someone in a worse position than us.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My baby girl is going to be 7 in a few more weeks.. This is so hard to imagine.. 7!!! How can that be possible??!
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Simple Woman’s Daybook:
January 23, 2012
Outside my window...
It is FREEZING! (oh, that’s right its still winter) But does it have to be in the negative numbers?
I am thinking...
Wow, what a few crazy weeks coming up. But they should be lots of fun!
I am thankful for...
the heat we have, and the food on our table. Praying for those that don’t have those things, and wish we could help them more.
From the learning rooms...
We are gearing up for another week. Still working on the normal stuff, Monkey Man has a few weeks off from Latin, til I can order the next one. We are still having fun with our history curriculum. If you would like to hear more, swing by The Monkey School.
From the kitchen...
Today we are having spaghetti, and garlic bread..
I am wearing...
Layers and layers of clothes, cause I am FREEZING!
I am creating...
I am going...
to try to enjoy our week. So much fun coming up, and I’m over joyed, it is much needed in this family.
I am reading...
A few books with the kids, and my cedar cove series by Debbie MaComber.
I am hoping...
For so many things…
I am hearing...
My kids searching the kitchen for our new menu plan for this week, so they can figure out what is for breakfast! LOL!
Around the house...
I have laundry to be folded, some to be done.. Dishes to be put away, floors to be swept. Anyone wanna come do it for me??
One of my favorite things...
Making family plans…
A few plans for the rest of the week:
4H, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Library, Doctor appts, shopping, time with family, a birthday party..
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
The frames that Little Monkey picked out for her new glasses…
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal:

Some fun events coming up with my family!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
TOS Review: We choose Virtues
We Choose Virtues has probably been one of our favorite reviews.. Or at least mine…. I’ll explain more later.
We choose virtues are a great way to teach your children character, or maybe even remind an adult about some too. (we all need a reminder now and again don’t we?)
We Choose Virtues clue cards (about the size of a business card) are helpful in teaching children about the 12 virtues:
- Forgiving
- Patient
- Helpful
- Obedient
- Kind
- Attentive
- Honest
- Content
- Diligent
- Self-Controlled
- Gentle
The clue cards which teach them their name with a definition, and a nice catch phrase. Along with these cards there are many other teaching tools, such as a Teachers Manual which you can purchase for $4.99 as a download, or $19.99 for a hard copy.
Then to keep the fun involved, cause everyone loves a bit of fun to their lesson right? There is a Virtues Coloring Book which can be purchased for $3.00 in a pdf file only.
This next resource was one of my favorite ones. It is a Family Assessment sheet. Which I had each of my kids fill out, and made sure to stress that I want them to be very truthful.
I really loved this review.. Like I stated from the beginning. It really couldn’t have come at a better time. My kids have been struggling really hard with some of these virtues. This has helped us put some of these back in check, or at least help to understand why they are so important. The clue cards even come in a handy pouch, so I have them on me… and yes I have even pulled them out and used them when they were having a hard time. (I’m an embarrassing mom)
We have a few more weeks to go, and I want to take another Family Assessment to see whether they think they have improved or not. I think it will be interesting to see.
My family would absolutely recommend these to any family! They are a great resource and a wonderful way to get your children to realize what character traits they will want to have as they get older.
We Choose Virtues have kits for Schools, homeschool, and churches.. You can see them here.
Right now they have many specials going on..
Promo Codes:
- VIRTUE 15 ~ for 15% off
- SHIPFREE ~ for free worldwide shipping
Hurry! You can only use one promo code per order.
Check out what the other TOS Crew members have to say about We Choose Virtues!
*I was given the Virtues Clue Cards for free, in exchange for my honest review as part of the TOS Crew. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkey’s!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Menu Plan Monday
What are you having for dinner this week? Here is our Menu Plan for the week!
Pork Chops, macaroni salad, and a veggie
Chicken Spaghetti (Pioneer Woman Recipe)
Bread & Butter
Beef Roast, Oven Roasted Potatoes, carrots
Shrimp Primavera
Ham Steaks, Twice Baked Potatoes (PW), Butternut Squash
Broccoli Cheese Soup, Homemade Bread
Simple Woman’s Daybook:
FOR TODAY: January 16th, 2012 (still seems weird to write that)
Outside my window...
It is cold! Brr!! Arctic weather has arrived.. LOL
I am thinking...
It’s gonna be a great day! Trying to be more positive the week…
I am thankful for...
Wow, almost half way through January were is the time going?! Seems to be flying by lately.
From the learning rooms...
We have been having some fun, and doing some cool things.. Check it, just head over to The Monkey School.
From the kitchen...
Chicken Spaghetti (Pioneer Woman Recipe)
I am wearing...
Jeans, T-shirt, Sweatshirt, Sneakers, and my nice winter hat!
I am creating...
Lots and lots of lists, of things I want to buy.. Need to get organized (sure you have heard that from me a lot lately) and need new curriculum for next year for my soon to be (Cough, hack) 5th Grader.
I am going...
To be really busy again for a couple weeks coming up.. but mostly with fun stuff!
I am reading...
The last few books in the Cedar Cove Series by Debbie MaComber..
I am hoping...
That this week is a bit easier on my anxiety.. than last.
I am hearing...
My kids talking to my mom and getting ready to start our fun day!!!
Around the house...
Laundry needs to be done.. and a good cleaning. On my list for this weekend, while Hubby has 4 days off! (insert evil laugh here)
One of my favorite things...
Listening to my kids read to me!
A few plans for the rest of the week:
4H, Lunch & movies with a friend, Cub Scouts, Playdate, Doc appt, another playdate, and some fun with the kids!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
We are finishing these today!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal:
In my life this week…
It was super busy! We were doing all fun things, but it was still tiring! Phew…
Here is a peek at something we started this week…
In our homeschool this week…
We did really good, and finished another week. Can you guess what we did at 4H, by the picture above? We took a few days off at the end of the week, cause I was tired (yup, I admit it) and it snowed (and stayed for the first time this winter).. Want to hear more?? Swing by our Homeschool Blog, The Monkey School.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Let the kids blow off steam, and play if there is snow one day.. You can always make it up later.
I am inspired by…
My friends.. When I don’t think I can do it anymore, or I’m having a rough day.. they always remind me how good I am, and that I can do it. Even ones that haven’t met me IRL.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This upcoming week, we are busy again… Just seems to be the time of year or something. LOL..
We are going to be going to 4H (and finishing the above project), Going to the lunch and a movie with friends, Doctors appts, and then some fun time as a family I hope!
My favorite thing this week was…
See my kids faces when we ran into some friends at Mc Donald’s, and they got to play with them for a bit!
What’s working/not working for us…
Attitudes… They are really high around here lately. My son is turning 10 in a few months, and he seems to be acting really fresh lately is it the age??! Or is it the weather? Help!
Questions/thoughts I have…
I’m looking at Teaching Textbooks for Math for my son this next year.. Any feedback? I’m also looking for a good Literature curriculum?
Things I’m working on…
Maintaining order, and function in this house. Seems things to have gone crazy over the last few weeks. Looking forward to a couple long weekends with the family for a break from the norm. I really need it!
I’m reading…
The next book in the Cedar Cove Series, by Debbie MaComber. I’m almost done.. then what shall I read?? Hmm..
I’m cooking…
Pork Chops, Macaroni Salad, and a veggie! Yum!!
I’m grateful for…
being able to homeschool at my own flexibility and leisure. I love that I can take a day off when I’m feeling overwhelmed, or when we just want to have some fun.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
My favorite Fruit!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Purex UltraPacks Review
Purex is at it again! They have a new laundry detergent coming out on the market in February! We here at the 3 Crazy Monkey’s were lucky enough to get to try them out first!
This new little packs, remind me a lot like Dishwasher detergent packs. Lol.. They are small, and easy to handle. Don’t let the size fool you though, they still are tough on laundry and very effective!
Facts about the Purex UltraPacks:
- Safe for all machines
- Dry in hands
- Dissolve quickly, even in cold water!
- Easy to use!
My favorite part of them??? One, they are less mess, no more spills, or gunk build up… Two, my son who does the laundry now (9yrs old) can do it with no problems.
Don’t take my word for it.. Go to FreeSamplePurex.com in mid February and get a sample to try!
*I was given a sample of Purex UltraPacks in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkeys!