FOR TODAY... Monday July 12th, 2010
Outside my window... The sun is shining and I dare say it is going to be really humid and hot today!
I am thinking... Organization is much as I love it, can be an awful lot of work!
I am thankful calls from my mom!
From the learning rooms...Hunter is still working on his Amphibians unit study, multiplication, and reading…. He has already knocked out one reading list… on to the next!
Rach- is still working on her reading skills, and addition
Sage- Letter sounds, and sight words
From the kitchen... Not sure either pork chops or a pork loin. Can’t decide…hmmm
I am wearing...My normal, shorts, t-shirt, and croc’s!
I am creating... A plan for the next year of Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts activities.
I am going...finish planning our trip to the coast, and hanging with my kids!
I am reading... I have a few books going at once, as usually!
I am hearing...The kids clanking their spoons in their cereal bowls… and talking about something.
Around the house... Not much going on this week.
One of my favorite things... Being out of the box
A few plans for the rest of the week: Ummm… Pool today, Girl Scout stuff tomorrow, Library on Wednesday, Hunter has a library thing on Thursday, and not sure what the end of the week will bring yet.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Rachel not sure what to think of the huge snake they just took out…