Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our trip to the ocean….

was a nice success!!! We had a blast. The kids were super excited, and beyond happy to head out to the beach. We gathered all our sand buckets, packed our picnic baskets, and umbrella (ok, that was more for me).

Of course the 2 hr trip to get there was not their favorite. However, they only started to ask if “we were there yet” as we were nearing the last half hour.

Once they did see the beach, they were super excited! The view was gorgeous! The water was so blue and amazingly beautiful!


The kids had no fears and ran right in… luckily it was fairly shallow for a bit, and they were able to go out a while before they were over their heads. They absolutely loved trying to jump the waves, and just testing their under water skills.

We sighted a few para-sailers, and dolphins! It was a wonderful day, and everyone had a blast!

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