I love cookbooks, so I was excited to get the chance to review this book. I don’t often cook for crowds but found the things she thought were great for them, and bad for them very interesting. Love the whole section on what kids will eat, and what to cook for picky eaters. This book was jammed packed with useful information! My kids and I were very anxious to try some new recipes…. They were yummy and crowd pleasers.. I can see myself using this book for reference numerous times.
About the Author: Cherie Kimmons loves food, enjoys preparing it, consuming it, and sharing it with others. She comes from a rich culinary tradition that blends Italian and Cajun French Cooking. Over the years she has spent working as an award-winning reporter and columnist for Knoxville’s Press Enterprise, a web writer for HGTV, and a freelance writer. She chaired school committees, created menus, and cooked countless meals for her kids’ sports teams. While keeping an eye out on which foods were eaten first and which went home untouched. Then combined her first-handed experience with her writing skills and a healthy dose of humor. The result?? Her Potluck Survival Guide, the prefect tool for parents, volunteers, and hosts faced with the daunting task of feeding the masses, while maintaining their sanity!
About the Book:
Potluck Survival Guide, a light-hearted handbook for beginning and experienced cooks, helps frazzled parents, volunteers, event chairs and novice hosts feed the masses while keeping their sanity. Author Cherie Kimmons, who has spent years in the cooking trenches, helps readers prepare all-time potluck favorites for school, athletic, scouting, band, social and church events. Featuring kid-tested and approved recipes (with modifications for adult palates), the guide includes a unique section of in-depth recipes that serve as a starting point for endless variations. It also explores considerations for feeding young children and athletes, buffet strategies, decorating tips and fun menu ideas. To learn more about her, you can go HERE.
You can buy your copy today! It sales at Amazon or Barnes and Nobles or Five Star Publications for around $22-$24!
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