The girls are not as big of History fans as my son. That sometimes can make for a very rough time trying to get them to pay attention. So, I thought why not give “Ten Girls from History” a try from Golden Prairie Press.

Ten Girls from History:
Is geared towards ages 10 and up. However, my two girls did ok with it. They are 9 and 7. My 7 year old had a bit of a struggle now and then, but for the most part did ok.
This book is 238 pages. I’m sure your thinking which heroines did they choose for this book. I was very happy with the selection. Their were many that I loved, and some that I had never heard of. It was nice to share with my girls the things I knew about some of them.
You can purchase the printed book or audio for $25.00 on sale right now for $20.00
You can also purchase the downloadable eBook directly off Amy Puetz’s website. That price is $15.00 on sale for $12.00 currently.
Here is a list of the girl’s in this book.
- Clara Barton- The Angel of the Battlefield
- Cofachiqui- An Indian Princess
- Molly Pitcher- The Brave Gunner of the Battle of Monmouth
- Louisa May Alcott- Author of Little Women
- Dorothy Quincy- A Girl of the American Revolution
- Madeleine De Vercheres- The Heroine of Castle Dangerous
- Ida Lewis- The Heroine of Lime Rock Lighthouse
- Virginia Reed- Midnight Heroine of the Plains
- Elizabeth Van Lew- The Girl who Risked all for the Union
- Clara Morris- The Girl who Won Frame as an Actress
There you have the ten women discussed in this book. It was hard for us to choose one to start with. We decided to go with Cofachiqui: An Indian Princess. The name alone intrigued us. Who can pass up a princess story right??! The story about this girl who had to go through such horrible treatment and still managed to give such wonderful hospitality to strangers was just touching. We really enjoyed this story. My girls thought that what she did was amazing, and they hope to be more like her. We are trying to find a few other things to go along with this movie, to help make it more of a unity study. The girls like to do activities along with their reading.
The next story we read was one that I choose. I love the movie “Little Women”. So, I wanted to read about Louisa May Alcott. Sharing what I knew about her already, with the girls was fun. I really enjoyed it. I love how it tell about her surroundings and how they helped her to become the writer she was. We also learned that she grew up close to us, just over in the next state of Massachusetts. The girls found this story very good as well. They took in all the information that was laid out for them, and we went over it at the end. We are hoping to plan a visit to where she grew up in the spring!
Our Thoughts:
I love that the stories are so greatly told. They keep your attention and are wonderful. I also love that each one comes with a photo of the girl that we are reading about. Giving the girls a bit of a visual to go along with the name. One of other plus to the book is that you can skip around if you like. Picking the girl you want to read about, or learn about next.
In the back of the book there is also a glossary and biographical facts. Along with a mini timeline. Each of the glossary words are in bold throughout the story.
The girls both think that the stories are good, and can’t wait to read more. They said so far their favorite is about the Indian Princess!
However, we have not been able to read them all yet, since we are trying to do more of a unit study with them.
About the Author:
Golden Prairie Press is a company that Amy Puetz started. Amy Puetz is a homeschool graduate who loves history. History has been her passion since childhood. She also loves to tell the stories about people who impacted their generation.
Some of her books include Uncover Exciting History, Ten Girls from History, Ten great Adventures, Costumes with Character, and Hoop skirts and fabulous frocks. All which sound amazing!
Be sure to check out the Back to School Sale going on right now!!!

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*I was given a copy of “Ten Girls from History” by Golden Prairie Press in exchange for my honest review as part of the TOS Crew. All opinions are 100% mine or my monkey’s!