Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hunter's frist play

Hunter had his frist play the night of his birthday! He was so excited. They particed all week long during school hours, and then presented the play on friday at noon, and again that evening. I was very excited to watch it. He is the middle child in the picture. He was a firefly! He was so cute to say none the least! These children did a wonderful job to say none the least. I video taped the whole thing.... Had to keep that on hand! For the time these children had to partice, learn songs, and remember lines they couldn't have done better. They were taught by a couple in New Hampshire who brings the props and costumes. They do a wonderful job. Every child in the school was able to participate if they wanted too.. They put on the Princess and the Pea. I was very proud of my little man! :)

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