Friday, September 30, 2011

Five Question Friday







1. Do you apologize to your kids if you're wrong?

I believe we have had this question before…

Since we are all human and make mistakes, yes, I try to apologize to them if I’m wrong. Cause I want them to know that if you are wrong you should admit it. However, I try to never be wrong!!!

2. Do you have a class ring, Letterman's jacket, or similar obscenely priced high school "must have"?

I have a class ring, but that is all. Why I’m not sure though, I think it was more of a it “was cool at that time” thing. I didn’t really ever really wear it that often, and now it just sits in my jewelry box.

3. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?

I think I would have to choose 27… Not to young, not to old. Plus 27 is a great number, (the day I was born.. lol) You??

4. What is your favorite (unused) baby name?

Hmmm… I love to pick names that aren’t heard very often. My son’s name was never popular until after he was born… and my youngest daughters name is still not heard all that often.

For girls I like the name Paige (but I think it is widely used now)

For a boys name I wanted to name my next son Storm, but never had another boy. Sad smile 

5. If you could make your child like something what would it be?

For my middle daughter veggies

For all three of them, I would have to say Cleaning, so I didn’t have to fight with them so much!

My son will do laundry for me, except the folding, but hey it’s a start right?

The girls love to do the dishes, but they play and make such a mess, and don’t get half the dishes clean… so I usually do them myself.

I know, I know, beggars cant be choosers. Smile 

Zhu-Zhu Fashion Winner






sweetpea08 said...

I follow Zhu-niverse on Twitter
September 27, 2011 12:34 AM



Thanks to everyone who entered, and remember there are still some giveaways going on. Be sure to check them out! Smile 

*winner was picked with and will have 48hrs to reply or we choose a new winner.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge








1. It is officially fall here in North America...I realize not everyone who participates in the Hodgepodge lives in North America but if you do, what's your favorite memory of Summer 2011? If you're not in North America, what's your favorite memory of the season just ending on your side of the world?

Hmm.. my favorite Summer Memory. I would have to say our trip to the lake.. My grandma lives on a lake, and it was my favorite place as a child.. I love being able to share those memories with my kids.

2. Your favorite nut? You know I mean the edible kind, right?

If I have to chose it would be the peanut hands down cause I hate the rest, however.. I’m not a nut fan really at all. I eat peanuts occasionally, or like in a snickers bar, or peanut M & M’s ya know. Smile 

3. What activity puts your sense of balance to the test?

To the test?? Hmm.. crossing a high wire?? Nah, never done that. Sky diving?? Nope, never done that either, but I hope to one day. Not really sure, most likely something with heights.

4. How would you describe your sense of humor?

I have a pretty good one, but depends on my mood. I try to always be in a happy mood, but lets just face it, some days just really get to you. Ya know?

5. September 28th is National Ask a Stupid Question Day...what's your stupid question?

Don’t really have a stupid question to ask.. I mean really do they make a national day for EVERYTHING? I’m sure I’ve done my fair share of stupid questions, not so sure I saved them for this particular day though.

6. Roller skates~hula hoop~jump rope...which activity would you most enjoy? Yes, you have to choose.

I used to love roller skates, Not that great at the Hula Hoop, and I’m getting to old for the jump rope (just ask my girls) I would have to say roller skates, but be prepared to pick me up off the ground a few thousand times!

7. What's your most sentimental possession?

Hands down my photo’s and my scrapbooks! Only thing I really care about more than my kids. My mom used to tell me I was crazy for taking so many photo’s and couldn’t get over the money I spent on them. But my response was always simple.. My kids will have a book to walk them thru their life, and that way they can never forget the things that mean the most to them, or the things they were to young to remember!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Wow, October is in like 2 days!!! Where did the time go? Last time I checked the calendar I swear it was only July! Time flew so fast, I didn’t get to do nearly as many things as I wished I could have. Now, I have to think of the fun winter things I want to do, and plan a spectacular party for my daughters 8th Birthday!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Big G-Cereal Star Wars Review & Giveaway:

So any of you that have followed me for any length of time, must remember me talking about what a Star Wars Fan my husband and son are. Like crazy mad fans!!!

When we heard the new Star Wars: Complete Saga was coming out on Blu-ray September 16th, they were super giddy! It has all 6 movies in high definition, over 40 hrs of special features, including all new content created exclusively for this release.  Its now the talk of the house, and Middle Monkey is trying really hard to get us to buy it.


You can only imagine the hype in my house when they discovered that you could get General Mills Big G cereals at Walmart, with 3 pictures creating a full panoramic picture. Those 3 cereals include Lucky Charms, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. If you collect all three boxes, you can get your favorite characters like Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Liea, and more.


Best part?? One lucky 3 Crazy Monkey’s reader will can win a Big G Cereal Pack. 

*The cereal, gift card, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Quest for Zhu Review & Giveaway

This house is huge Zhu-Zhu pet fans… we have played with them since they came out. Needless to say, we were super excited to hear that their was a movie coming out about the Zhu-Zhu pets. Quest for Zhu, is coming out September 27th on Dvd.
We were chosen to throw a premiere party for the Quest for Zhu. I let the kids each pick 2 friends to come over and view it with us. Given us 9 kids at our party! We made up some snacks, popped some popcorn, put out some juice, and made some punch. As well in our party pack they included some Hershey’s Candy.
Since we wanted to have sometime to do some games, and mingle a bit, we decided to do our party at 1pm. The kids were super excited for their friends to show up. We had a table with snacks, drinks, and some little figures that were also sent to us on it, for decoration.
The kids were all excited to check out this new movie. It was a big hit with them all. I thought it was great, and had some very good lessons in it. The main character was Pipsqueak, and there was also Num Num, Mr.Squiggles, Stinker, and Chunk. Which was cool, cause most of the kids had heard of a few of them.
Unfortunately, my daughter was playing with my camera and deleted my pictures from the party. Sad smile I was wicked bummed, as we got some nice ones. (but what can ya do?) So all I have is a couple:

Monkey Man watching the movie again a few days later…


Little Monkey showing off the Movie case…..


It was a super fun party, and fun was had by all!

Want to win a copy of Quest for Zhu yourself?? Well I have one copy to give away to one lucky 3 Crazy Monkey’s reader. What a great Christmas present that would make!!!

*We received free product as part of a promotional program with ZhuZhu Pets and MomSelect.

Simple Woman's Daybook








September 26, 2011

Outside my window... It is a fairly decent day… I’m hoping we can enjoy it. Smile

I am thinking...  What a adventurous day we have ahead of us…

I am thankful for...  Such beautiful children

From the learning rooms... We are on our two week break, but have a few little things here and there planned. So be sure to check out our blog “The Monkey School” to see what we are up to!

From the kitchen...  I think we are going to have corn chowder. I love chowders in the fall. Yummy!

I am wearing...  Jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt, and my flip flops! Smile 

I am creating...  Lots of upcoming blog posts at the moment.

I am going... to get outside this week if the weather cooperates and get some yard clean up done, and the coop weatherized.

I am reading... 3 different books right now.. One by Debbie MaComber, The Red Pyramid, and The Baker’s wife.

I am hoping... To get a lot done during our 2 weeks off from school.. so that we can focus back on school when we start back up.

I am hearing...   The kids giggling over some jokes grandma is telling them.

Around the house...  Dishes, Laundry, and tidying up needed to be done.

One of my favorite things... Watching my son have such a great time and bonding moments with his dad.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  This week.. we are busy… Seeing a play, girl scouts, girl scout field trip, cub scouts, helping a friend just out of the hospital, picking up, play date, packing boys up for their camping trip, sending boys on camping trip, friends birthday party, library, and whatever else might come up.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Riding bikes on one of the cold days we had last week. They crack me up!



Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal






In my life this week…  it was crazy busy. Lots of things going on. We tried to enjoy most of the week, but it rained a lot. Sad smile 

In our homeschool this week… We finished our 8th week, and we are now on our 2 week vacation. Lots of interesting things going on, over the next couple weeks. Hoping we have a great couple weeks.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…  take a break when you need it! Smile 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… This week we have a few more field trips coming up. We are going to go see a play “The 3 Little Pigs”.  Then we are going to visit a friend and help her out, after she has been in hospital for surgery. Plus we are hoping to get out of the house a few times, if the weather cooperates.
The boys are going to be going away on a Cub Scout Camping trip for the weekend as well…

My favorite thing this week was… Spending a great day with my family yesterday!

What’s working/not working for us…  having a organized schoolroom!

Questions/thoughts I have… How many field trips a year do you usually take?

Things I’m working on…  Getting our next 8 weeks of school work ready.

I’m reading…  Like 3 books right now

I’m cooking…  We are having beef and gravy over mashed potatoes!


I’m grateful for…  Everything I have!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Our new classroom pet!



Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Question Friday









1. Dream job...realistic and completely unrealistic.

Dream job? Hmm… I have my dream job, being a stay at home mom, and homeschooling my kids! Smile 

Unrealistic Dream Job? Not really sure.

2. Do you fart in front of your significant other?

Lol.. Well if I can’t fart in front of him, then why are we married???

3. What's the furthest you've ever traveled from home? How far and where was it?

The furthest, I would have to say is Florida.. Which is 1300 miles from Maine. We lived there for a short bit, and I traveled up here to see family… and now we live here again, so we will be traveling it to see family and friends down there. 

I would like to say that we can go to Arizona, Utah, Washington, Europe, Hawaii, etc.

4. How do you celebrate birthday for your kids? Family only or friends? ... Alternate for those without kiddos: How did you celebrate birthdays as a kid?

Birthdays… We either do something near by, or at home. We try to do themed things. Like next month, we will be doing a Fall Party for my middle monkey’s 8th birthday. We usually have close friends, and some family.. like grandparents, and aunts.

5. Fave thing about fall?

Apple Orchards, pumpkins, hay rides, and lots of fun. We love fall around here! Smile 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

TOS Review: AIMS Educational Foundation





Our most recent review with the TOS Crew is from AIMS Educational Foundation. The book that we reviewed was the 3-5 Science Electrical Connections.

This one was for Monkey Man, he is in 4th grade. This book is designed for kids in 4-6th grade. However, after going through it I think some more advanced 3rd graders would be able to use this too. Smile



In Electrical Connections they uncover the mysteries of electricity. Broken down into four sections, Static Electricity, Circuits, Electromagnetism, and the History of Electricity. We love to way they present these materials to the kids. It is in such a fun way, they don’t even really realize they are learning. I was even excited to read it. We had a great time with experiments we tried, and can’t wait to try more.

Monkey Man loves science, so this was very exciting for him to get. He couldn’t wait to try it out. Winking smile Needless to say we started this in science within days of receiving it. The few lessons we did get through, he really enjoyed. Like learning about Static Electricity with balloons and other small objects. Here he is trying to get static electricity with plastic wrap.


Waiting for instructions



All the required materials



Making static!


Little did we know that each plastic wrap has a different likeliness to produce static. So we had tried this time with Target Brand Plastic Wrap, and we didn’t have much luck. Now we have something to compare out next try to, when we get a different brand. Just more science fun right??

AIMS Educational Foundation also has a few other books to choose from 3 different levels of Math, and 3 different levels of Science.

The ages for these vary depending on the grade levels you choose.

The cost varies between $18.95-$21.95.

Check out what our TOS Crew members have to say about it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge







1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?

I love chili, with red beans, and little spice. I also love to add Mexican cheese and sour cream.

2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color?

I would have to say all three! I love to decorate for the fall, and use all of those colors around my house. Winking smile 

3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?

Not sure I really idolized anyone.

4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.

I do arts & crafts all the time. I scrapbook, we make projects in school.. and I am always coming up with something fun for my Girl Scouts. My last project, I guess would be.. a scarecrow we made for outside. Smile However, I’m also working on some cool projects for decorations for my Middle Monkey’s 8th Birthday Party, which we have decided to go with a Fall theme. (Any additional suggestions are always welcome (Hint, hint)

5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?

I would have to say the doctors… Just not a big fan of the place… but the Dentist makes me just as nervous. If I ever have to have work done, they have to knock me out, or drug me good! LOl!

6. Horse back riding...yay or nay (neigh?)

Yay! I love Horse Back riding, only wish I could afford lessons for my girls. Sad smile  I also loved it as a kid.. Wish that I had enough money for my own horse.  One day maybe.

7. What is your favorite cliche? 

I can’t really think of one right now..

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I really dislike the need for whining in my house. My youngest has taken to being very whiny!!! Oh my! Its going to drive me insane. 

Shakespeare Winner is…..



# 2


Ashley said...

I "like" you on Facebook

Congrats Ashley!!!

Look for an email from me! Thanks to everyone who entered, and be sure to check out my current giveaways! Smile


Stay tuned for an easier way to enter my giveaways too!



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

WonderMaps-Timberdoodle Review



I was so excited when I was offered the opportunity to review WonderMaps!!! Why? Simple, we love history, maps, and learning about places!

So what is WonderMaps from Bright Ideas Press your asking? It is a customizable Map program with over 350 different maps! The program has:

  • 60 + Maps of the World
  • 125 Historical Maps including 25 Biblical Maps
  • 60 + Maps of the US
  • Complete Map sets for The Mystery of History Vols 1-3 and All American History 1 & 2

The things you can do with WonderMaps:

  • Get Black and White or Color Maps
  • Outline, Reference, Political, or Topographical Maps
  • Get Historical or Modern-day Maps
  • Add Features such as: Names, Borders, Rivers, Cities, Physical Features, and more…

They are simply amazing! If you are looking for something to help with your current history program, or a way to help your child learn names. This is most certainly the program to use! It is so customizable that it makes it so easy.. You can turn on what features you want to use, and turn off the ones you don’t.

Like if you wanted to just have rivers and the names on your map you can turn all the other stuff off. That way your kids can learn just the rivers, and then when you went to test them, you would just turn the names feature off. Leaving just the rivers showing. How cool is that???

Monkey Man Tracing his Rivers, trying to learn them…


This is with only a few features turned on



Here is a video showing you how it can be used…

To buy WonderMaps you can go to Timberdoodle here. You can buy it $44.95. Where you can get it as a Cd, or a Download. It works on both Windows and Mac computers.


You can also follow Timberdoodle on Facebook, and get some good deals sometimes, or get the latest news.

Here are a few other products from Timberdoodle that you might find interesting to go along with your WonderMaps and History curriculum. Try this page to find any Geography products, or try out these cool Geography Puzzles.

*As a member of Timberdoodle's Blogger Review Team I received a free copy of WonderMaps in exchange for a frank and unbiased review.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Simple Woman’s Daybook:








September 19th, 2011

Outside my window... It is very sunny, but yet VERY chilly. Yes, fall is upon us. I am happy, yet sad about this. I love fall, but am sad to see summer go so quickly.  Plus that means cold & flu season is awaiting us now. Sad smile

I am thinking...  Really hope my cold goes away fast, and I am able to function well again. I don’t have time, nor to do I get sick days.

I am thankful for...  My husband who is being “me” today so I don’t get to far behind… on his day off from work. Smile 

From the learning rooms... We took today off, and we will catch up tomorrow. We are on our last week of our first 8 weeks. Next week starts our 2 weeks off, although, we will be doing some field trips, and crafts. Preparing for a party we have in the making… and preparing our gardens for winter, as well as hauling more wood to the wood shed. (think they will still consider it a break after this?)

From the kitchen...  Not sure today… I can’t remember what is on my menu (and its upstairs, and I’m downstairs)… plus since my hubby will be cooking it may turn into something different.

I am wearing...  Today my comfy stretch pants, and a sweatshirt, bundled under a blanket. BRR!

I am creating...  A fall themed party for my daughters 8th birthday party. I am actually super excited about this, as it has been awhile since, I’ve done this… and can’t wait! Hope it’s a great success!!!

I am going... To be super busy with all my preparations for winter, a birthday party, and scouts. My calendar is PACKED!

I am reading...  Next up is another Debbie MaComber book, and a Diana Palmer. Should have them both done by middle of the week.

I am hoping... The weather stays nice for most of the week, so we can get outside a few times, and enjoy a couple of trips we have coming up.

I am hearing...    My kids giggling while playing with toys… I think they are picking up to watch a movie soon. Love lazy days….

Around the house...  There is laundry to be done, folded and put away, dishes, and some tidying up. I think my hubby has done most of it for me though… YAY!

One of my favorite things... Having help when I’m not feeling well, and kids who are quiet and let me rest.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  This week we are going on a play date, Scouts, library run, doc appt, and a field trip… plus our weekend is booked. You?

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

A picture my Middle Monkey took at our Bugmania Field Trip.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal









In my life this week…  it has been a LONG week. It started out well, and went downhill, rather quickly. My son got sick, out of the blue on Wednesday, and my little monkey has been sick all week. Then by Thursday I had caught her dreaded cold. Sad smile Yup, its that season again!


In our homeschool this week…  We had a very productive week. We got our work done at home, and then we had a field trip… Despite being sick, we finished the week with no big drama.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Little containers work fabulous to help contain, and organize! Smile 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…  This next week we are going to be having a play date with a friend.. Were suppose to go on a Field trip Monday, but we are canceling cause of me not feeling well. Then Friday we are going on another field trip. Smile Busy, busy!

My favorite thing this week was…  Our field trip to the local State Museum… My kids loved touch, and looking at all the bugs. You can read more here.

What’s working/not working for us…  Peoples negative thoughts.. We are still fairly new to homeschooling, but it is frustrating when our family doesn’t think we have made the right choice.. or grills my kids to see what and if they are learning to their specifications.

Questions/thoughts I have… What kinds of field trips to do you go on… any that you just really love to do each year?

Things I’m working on…  Our schedule for the next 8 wks… We are excited for our 2 wk break starting next week. Smile 

I’m reading…  Just finished a Debbie MaComber Book.

I’m cooking…  Nothing tonight… we have leftovers from a big cookout on Saturday. So we are eating those! Smile

I’m grateful for…  A supportive group of friends I have come to know over the last year. Smile I really enjoy that we are finding our niche, and sharing our lives with such amazing families!

I’m praying for…  For relief from this cold, and that it does not go around our house for a month or more..

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Monkey Man holding a Millipede


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Zhu-Zhu Fashion Review & Giveaway

The Zhu-niverse never ceases to amaze me, with the things they come up with. Their newest product is the ZhuZhu Fashion accessories. 

My girls absolutely love playing dress up, and putting on fashion shows. So when they saw the opportunity to do the same thing with their ZhuZhu pets they got super excited!! We received the Fashion Closet, a new friend, and a new outfit to try on our favorite little friends.

The fashion play sets

The Fashion Closet is super cute. I love that it even turns with clothes on it, so the kids feel like a princess. After taking the stuff out of the boxes, they played for hours, with imaginations running wild! I love the imagination and creativity that comes out of them when they are playing with the ZhuZhu pet toys.


Here are some pictures of my monkey’s playing with it.



How would you like to win a ZhuZhu pet, and outfit for one of your fashion divas? 
One lucky 3 Crazy Monkey’s reader has a chance to win. Just go to the ZhuZhu Pets page here… and tell me which one is your favorite?  

Extra Entries:
  • Follow 3 Crazy Monkey’s Blog
  • “Like” 3 Crazy Monkey’s on FB
  • Follow @the3kidsandme on Twitter and tweet up to once daily:
    Win a @Zhu-niverse ZhuZhu Pet & outfit from @the3kidsandme ..perfect for Xmas. #Giveaway Ends Sept 3

  • Follow @Zhu-niverse on Twitter
  • “Like” Zhu-niverse on FB
Be sure to leave me an Email to contact you at. Giveaway ends Sept 30 @9pm EST. Winner will be chosen by and will have 48hrs to respond. Open to US Residents only.

*I was given this product in exchange for my honest review by MomSelect.